In this day and age, all around us we are being encouraged us to be more autonomous with pretty much everything in our lives. We are being encouraged to take control of our own health and wellbeing, being taught to recognise signs and symptoms and act on them. Everything is about being proactive rather than reactive. When we go to the bank, we don’t simply hand over our bank books to the lady behind the counter anymore. We have choices. We can bank online, if we go in to the branch we can 'self serve'. It's all about us taking the lead these days. Even a visit to the doctors results in the GP asking us what we think is the problem before giving us their likely diagnosis. And actually it’s a good thing. Its empowering. We should have some choices in our lives and our wellbeing.
It’s the same when you come to me for a massage treatment. A massage can be either passive – where it's something just being 'done' to you, or it can be active. An active treatment really means that the therapist and the client work TOGETHER to decide what kind of treatment is the most suitable on that particular day. The treatment is then designed on the outcome you want to achieve right then and there. The style, the depth and the speed can all be agreed. Your treatment, your choice! After all, when you go into a cake shop and ask for a cake, what's the first thing the shopkeeper will ask?……….(carrot for me please!!)
Whether we like it or not, we are evolving and changing on a daily basis. What our bodies wanted or needed last week, might not necessarily be the same thing we want or need this week. We are so very good at identifying what we don’t want. We know what we don’t like. We know how we don’t want to feel. All the negatives! Let's flip it over to the positives… So what DO we want? How WOULD we like to feel? If the pain goes what WILL be there? If we are de-stressed what will be left instead? Tricky isn’t it?.......No! Not when you get used to doing it, it's actually easy because you get to know your yourself, what you need and what makes you feel good. Don’t get me wrong, it doesn’t happen instantly and sometimes you just won’t feel you know right then and there. But that's why we work together. So many people come into my treatment room and simply don’t know how they want to feel or won’t allow themselves to believe they could feel PAIN FREE or DE-STRESSED or light, loose, free, focussed, happy, loved, worthy, grounded, true to themselves, clear-headed or whatever. With a bit of time and practice and daring to choose how you WANT to feel and with the right treatment to support it, you will.